EFTMRA Trainers Worldwide

EFTMRA Trainers Worldwide

There are EFTMRA EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners and Trainers in many countries worldwide

The EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy certifies its own EFT courses at levels 1, 2 and 3 and Matrix Reimprinting

Once you’re certified by the EFTMRA there are no annual fees or subscriptions to pay, once certified you keep your certification for life unlike other EFT organisations. (subject to following the EFTMRA code of ethics)

EFTMRA EFT courses are taught only by EFT Founding Master Karl Dawson and EFTMRA accredited EFT Master Trainers whom he has trained personally.

EFTMRA certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners can get access to practitioner insurance for less than £55 per year (UK only)

As EFTMRA certified EFT & Matrix Practitioners you also join our post course community, private FB groups for Practitioners and a private FB swap group to get practice and deal with your own issues and many other post course resources to enhance your Practitioner skills

The EFTMRA is the largest, lowest cost and most popular training body to qualify and work as a professional EFT Practitioner with over 6,000 practitioners trained worldwide.

To find an EFT Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner please visit www.matrixreimprinting.com

Please find below a list of our EFTMRA Trainers worldwide

We have three designations of EFTMRA Trainers
Matrix Reimprinting
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

EFTMRA Trainers Worldwide

Karl Dawson (EFT & Matrix) www.eftmracourses.com
Penny Croal (EFT & Matrix) www.changeahead.biz
Ted Wilmont (EFT & Matrix) www.eft4life.co.uk
Janice Thompson (EFT & Matrix)
Carol Ann Weston www.eft-training.co.uk
Denny Ellis (EFT) www.adoptimistic.com
Renira Barclay (EFT)
Cheryl White (EFT)
Caroline Rolling (EFT)
Sharon Branagh (EFT) sharonbranagh.co.uk
Mary-Jane Sharratt (EFT) www.eft-practitioner.com
Sam Neffendorf (EFT) www.eftnow.co.uk
Louise Shaw (EFT)
Lisa Barry (EFT) www.lisabarry.me
Jenny O’Kelly (EFT)
Lou Lachman (EFT) www.energycounselling.co.uk
Louise Peyton (EFT) www.louisepeyton.com
Chris Heath (EFT) www.solutions2living.com
Anya Berry (EFT)
Matt Greenshields (EFT) www.londonholisticpractice.co.uk
Angela Merino (EFT) www.londonholisticpractice.co.uk
Paul Clare (EFT)
Sandy Sommer (EFT)
Nicky Forbes (EFT) www.nickyforbes.com
Sally-Ann Soulsby (EFT) www.innerwisdom.co.uk
Jill Wootton (EFT) www.within-sight.com
Sam Thorpe (EFT) www.intoalignment.com
Herbinder Taggar Jassal (EFT)
Sunita Pattani (EFT) www.sunitapattani.com
Rachel Kent (EFT)
Corah Clark (EFT)
Jo Dance (EFT) www.jodance.co.uk
Mark Bristow (EFT) www.markbristowcoaching.com
Nick Nash (EFT)
Pete Weaver (EFT)

Jersey UK

Georgina Noel (EFT)

Alina Frank (Matrix) www.efttappingtraining.com
Craig Weiner (Matrix) www.efttappingtraining.com
Karin Davidson (Matrix) www.matrixreimprintingus.com

Marion Blique (Matrix) www.EFTPresence.com

Caroline Dawson (EFT & Matrix) www.efttraining.com.au

Marion Blique (Matrix) www.EFTPresence.com
Emmanuèle Gervreau (EFT)

Lynda Johns (EFT & Matrix)

Eva Gerigk (EFT & Matrix) www.matrixreimprinting.de www.matrixreimprinting.de/matrix-reimprinting/

Sam Neffendorf (EFT) www.eftnow.co.uk

Mette Barfoed (EFT & Matrix) www.energipsykologidanmark.dk

Irena Relyovska-Barton (EFT & Matrix) www.eft4success.eu (EFT & Matrix)
Martina Ivanova (EFT) www.svoizbor.com (EFT & Matrix)
Gergana Radovich (EFT) www.enepsy.com

Oana Sorescu (EFT & Matrix) www.eft-mr.ro
Andrew Sorescu (EFT)
Liliana Stanciu (EFT & Matrix) www.eliberareemotionala.ro

Martina Tišljar (EFT & Matrix) www.eftandmatrixreimprinting.com

Sanja Ivanovic (EFT) www.sanjaivanovic.rs

Cella van der Staak (Matrix) www.newlifepoint.nl

Anna Legein (Matrix)
Koen Van Reeth (Matrix)
Dominique Monette (EFT)

Susie Shelmerdine (EFT & Matrix)

Dr Ahmed Eldemawally (EFT) www.managethenow.com

Ayuka Mizoguchi (Matrix)

Hong Kong
Caroline Rhodes (EFT & Matrix) www.thebodygroup.com/treatments/matrix-reimprinting-using-eft

Aurora Campusano (Matrix) https://auroracampusanoeft.cl/

David MacKay (Matrix)

Sunita Pattani (EFT)

Rosa María Rogger (EFT) www.eftcolombia.com

Anu Mehtu (EFT and Matrix) http://www.metahealthindia.co.in/workshops-in-emotional-freedom-technique.html

Mridula Nair (EFT & Matrix) (Head of EFTMRA India) www.eftmraindia.com / www.redesignedthinking.com

Leena R Haldar (EFT) www.leenarhaldar.org

Dr. Shilpa Gupta (EFT) www.emoaid.in

Divya Srivastava (EFT) www.thesilverlining.in

Diksha Wadhwa (EFT) www.dikshawadhwa.com

South Africa
Jeanne Booth (EFT)

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