About Karl

Karl Dawson – One of Only 29 EFT Founding Masters Worldwide

International EFT trainer, and presenter at the London and Dallas EFT Masters Conferences.

In the world of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, it is clear that those of us who teach these techniques have come to do so because of the profound effect it has had in our own lives. I am no exception to this, as my own experience prior to EFT was full of physical and emotional illness, as so many people today. Through the gift of those who shared this technique with me I gradually found the health, confidence and abundance that are now my life’s experience. EFT has changed my relationships with everyone and everything around me.

Applying EFT and Matrix Reimprinting has renewed my sense of joy, mystery, and purpose.

As one who now teaches these unique and powerful tools, I have come to realise that service to others is a fundamental human act. From assisting healing in the lives of friends and family to the many people that I’ve worked with as a therapist, to the thousands of amazing people who have attended my courses, I am reminded daily that my service in teaching spreads further outward through those I teach. This knowledge and the confirmation I have from witnessing how the principles of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, time and time again, produce astounding results, invariably create a sense of honour that I am part of an amazing process.

Now I am an established EFT Trainer and one of the few EFT Founding Masters worldwide who together have taken on the role of being ambassadors of this amazing self-help and therapeutic tool.

EFT: the most talked about therapy of the 21st century.

Through monthly practitioner courses in the UK and internationally, my passion is to share EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, Not only to existing practitioners and therapists, such as NHS professionals, hypnotherapists, NLP Practitioners, Councillors, Psychologists, CBT-ers and many other conventional, alternative and complementary therapists, but to all who want to help themselves and those close to them to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. If you need more information on these compelling self-help techniques and wish to discuss how EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can help you, please contact me or attend a course to see first-hand these effective techniques.

“I believe there are no tools more powerful than these life-changing techniques.”

Love and peace to you all,
Karl Dawson.

Above: Karl signing books in Croatia

Karl Dawson:
EFT Founding Master
Creator of Matrix Reimprinting
Director of Training EFTMRA
EFTMRA Master Trainers trainer
EFTMRA Master Trainer
EFTMRA Level 3 Practitioner
AAMET Advanced EFT Practitioner
Association of Meridian Therapies (AMT) Advanced Practitioner
Hay House Author


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